Authenticity: Well-being and Living A Values-Driven Life

Authenticity: Well-being and Living A Values-Driven Life

There are many views of happiness but messages from our society seem to promote the idea that we “should” be happy all of the time, and instantly so. However, recent evidence suggests that meaning, purpose and authenticity are key to well-being. In this post, we will...
Feelings Part 3: Expressing and Communicating Feelings

Feelings Part 3: Expressing and Communicating Feelings

In parts 1 and 2 of this blog series, we explored what feelings really are and the negative consequences of suppressing feelings. We also discussed some techniques to get in touch with and identify long suppressed feelings. In this blog, we will discuss how to express...
Feelings Part 2: Identifying Feelings

Feelings Part 2: Identifying Feelings

As mentioned in my previous post on feeling, many people go through much of their lives ignoring or suppressing their feelings. This can be for a multitude of reasons including fear of falling apart through experiencing strong emotions and messages from childhood that...