Ancient wisdom and recent research from the field of positive psychology suggests that learning to...
Core Beliefs Part 2: Creating Healthier Core Beliefs
In my last post, I wrote about how to identify and understand your core beliefs. As a refresher,...
Core Beliefs Part 1: Identifying and Understanding Core Beliefs
Core beliefs are the underlying ideas we hold about ourselves, others and the world. These ideas...
Mindful Eating in Children
Children can be over- or under-sensitive to many things, including eating, so we must remember...
Savvy Internet Searching and Your Health
There have been many changes to the our healthcare system – managed care organizations are...
Communicating with Friends and Family During Infertility Treatment
One of the most difficult aspects of the fertility journey is the way that relationships can shift...
Part 2: Advanced Hug Physiology
Some of you may remember my earlier blog titled “Part 1: Hugs Not Drugs”. The blog explained that...
Part 2: Who’s in Control Anyway? Cognitive Defusion to Move in Valued Directions
In a previous blog I talked about cognitive defusion, a key concept from Acceptance and Commitment...
The Danger in “Shoulding” Yourself with Painfully Unrealistic Demands
““There are three musts that hold us back: I must do well. You must treat me well. And the world...
Life: Slow Down or You’ll Miss It
I was re-reading one of my all-time favorite books, Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach. In it, she...
Stop Forgetting to Remember!
Remembering to complete tasks that we have planned or intended to do is something that most...
Using Internet For Social Support for Cancer Survivors
Approximately 58% of cancer survivors use the internet for supportive services (Monnier, Laken,...
Mindfulness and Cancer 3: Making Peace with your Body
Patients often feel betrayed by their bodies after a cancer diagnosis. Because it is your own...
The Threesome You Never Wanted
I was talking with a couple about a difficult experience they had recently while visiting a...
Mindfulness and Cancer 2: Working with Scanxiety
Scanxiety (scan anxiety) – the peek in anxiety that happens as patients with cancer prepare for a...
Physical Activity in Multiple Sclerosis: Does it Improve Cognition?
Many individuals diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) will tell you that they not only have to...
Your Personality, Music & Learning
How often have you heard that listening to music can help you learn better? There have been...
Mindfulness and Cancer 1: The Value of Mindfulness for Cancer Patients
In my practice, I often bring up concepts from mindfulness practice in sessions with...
Part 1: Hugs Not Drugs
What happens to you physiologically when you give someone a hug? I am guessing everyone who is...
Multiple Sclerosis and Anxiety
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common neurologic disease that affects approximately 2.3 million...