Mindful Driving…A New Way to Commute

Mindful Driving…A New Way to Commute

Living in this bustling metropolis that is Los Angeles offers us some unique opportunities to experiment with daily mindfulness. Traffic – it’s always there and provides endless occasions to look at the way our approach to a stressor effects our experience of it. Any...
Coping Styles and Infertility

Coping Styles and Infertility

Receiving a diagnosis of infertility can be incredibly stressful for couples. Often couples report changes in the quality of their emotional and sexual relationships (Schmidt, 2005a; Peterson et al., 2007). Other stressors include alterations in relationships with...
Creating Habits for Better Sleep

Creating Habits for Better Sleep

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) nearly 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep problems; however, this number does not begin to address the fact that most people will have problems with sleep at some point in their lives. Insomnia is the term...

Probiotics: The Bugs We Love!

Probiotics are a hot topic in today’s news, but what are they? How do they work? Why are people taking them? And are they safe? Let’s start with the basics. Your digestive system is designed to break down the foods you eat in to nutrients that your body needs. You eat...
Exercise for Optimal Brain Health

Exercise for Optimal Brain Health

It seems as though the benefits of an active lifestyle have long been known (Voss, Nagamatsu, Liu-Ambrose, & Kramer, 2011): “A strong body makes the mind strong.” – Thomas Jefferson “If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise,...