A Simple Way to STOP and be Mindful

A Simple Way to STOP and be Mindful

There is a lot of talk about mindfulness these days. According to Jon Kabat-Zinn (1994), the founder of the Stress Reduction and Relaxation Program at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, “Mindfulness is the act of paying attention in a particular way: on...
Fuel Your Mind

Fuel Your Mind

Did you know that your brain uses 20% of your body’s oxygen calories despite being only 2% of your body’s weight? (1) Whether you are awake or asleep, your brain is constantly demanding nutrients and energy to function. And where do we get these nutrients you say?...
The Grief and Loss of a Chemical Pregnancy

The Grief and Loss of a Chemical Pregnancy

Few things are as devastating as a chemical pregnancy. A pregnancy is termed a “chemical pregnancy” when a woman has a positive pregnancy test but miscarries before anything can be seen in the uterus. For couples in the midst of the physically and emotionally...
Navigating the Disorientation of a Cancer Diagnosis

Navigating the Disorientation of a Cancer Diagnosis

When patients come to see me after a cancer diagnosis, we often spend time talking first about how disorienting a cancer diagnosis can be. What many find is that they were going along in their life on a particular path with some idea about what would be coming next...
Virtual Reality Therapy for Pain

Virtual Reality Therapy for Pain

Yes you heard that correctly! I bet you didn’t know that a simple virtual reality video game can help a burn patient get through the pain they experience during wound care, did you? Burn patients immersed in virtual reality called Snow-World during wound care...