Attachment: The Balancing Act

Attachment: The Balancing Act

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted swift lifestyle changes for folks across the globe. Drastic social and quarantine measures have triggered fears and concerns about the foreseeable future. For caregivers, this has translated to increased time at home facing new...
Making the Decision to Pursue Therapy

Making the Decision to Pursue Therapy

There are myriad reasons why people make the decision to pursue therapy. Some individuals want to explore recurring patterns in their lives. They may find themselves making the same mistakes or ending up in situations where they feel chronically dissatisfied and...
Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety Group

Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety Group

The Rowan Center for Behavioral Medicine is offering a 12-week group to teach mindfulness skills to individuals struggling with anxiety. The group will focus on experiential exercises designed to teach mindfulness meditation, breathing retraining, and present-moment...