Part 2: Advanced Hug Physiology

Part 2: Advanced Hug Physiology

Some of you may remember my earlier blog titled “Part 1: Hugs Not Drugs”. The blog explained that simply hugging someone can boost a range of hormones and chemicals in your body, including oxytocin. A quick synopsis of how oxytocin impacts our body is provided below:...
Musterbation: The Danger in Shoulding All Over the Place

Musterbation: The Danger in Shoulding All Over the Place

““There are three musts that hold us back: I must do well. You must treat me well. And the world must be easy.”” — Albert Ellis, Ph.D. “Musterbation” is a term coined by famed psychologist Albert Ellis to describe the phenomenon whereby people live by a set of...
Life: Slow Down or You’ll Miss It

Life: Slow Down or You’ll Miss It

I was re-reading one of my all-time favorite books, Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach. In it, she shares an observation from a student of hers that he has been “skimming through the surface of life in a race to the finish line – death.” This prompted me to examine my...
Stop Forgetting to Remember!

Stop Forgetting to Remember!

Remembering to complete tasks that we have planned or intended to do is something that most people’s lives require every day- but despite our best efforts, nobody can keep on top of everything little thing 100% of the time! Remembering intentions, or “remembering to...